Welcome to HOU wiki

In this page, you will find educational contents classified by five different fields, three areas of knowledge (Astronomy, Mathematics and Physics) and an illustrative age of the students targeted.

In the Astronomy tab, educational scenarios can be consulted entirely. They show scientfic problems that, in order to be solved, need basic concepts regulary found in secondary school books. The aim of these scenarios is bringing up curiosity on students and inspire research for solving each problem. In both Mathematics and Physics tabs, basic scientific concepts explained in an interactive way can be found. Thay'd help solving the problems about Astronomy.

http://www.houspain.com/gttp/doku.php?id=start ENCUENTRA TODO EL CONTENIDO EN ESPAÑOL, AQUÍ


The contents currently available have been elaborated by the HOU-Spain team, but the Wiki-based system will allow you to add new contents to share with other teachers around the world. Both to add new contents as in order to access the solutions of the exercises it is necessary to register in the website as an educator, indicating your user name if requested.

Editorial supervisors

The Wiki service of HOU is supervised by a committee formed by:

  • Ana Inés Gómez de Castro
  • Fátima López Martínez
  • Juan Campos Quemada
  • León J. Restrepo Quirós

The purpose of this committee is to watch over the coherence and integrity of the contents submitted. This committee as well as the administration of this wiki site is responsability of the AEGORA Complutense Research Group (Faculty of Mathematics, UCM).

Last activities

We want to remark the activity carried out by José García Herrero on spreading the voice of Astronomy. Here you can access the images from the Moon obtained by the students at Carmen Martín Gaite secondary school. Imágenes webcam

Aditional content

HOU Introductory workshop. It was offered in summer 2009, in the Summer Courses' program at Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

Some othe experiences
During 2012-2013 academic year, Carlos Lorente Jiménez, ICTs teacher at IES Juan de Padilla secondary school (Torrijos, Toledo) has experimented in class using the excercise 'Setting references when everything moves'. The results obtained have been shared by the scholars in the following blog:
TecnoCarlos | Discover the Cosmos

For a better experience, the use of Mozilla FireFox browser is recomended.

All Educational contents available in Hands-On Universe Spain are supported by Discover the Cosmos, project of the 7º Framework Programme of the European Comission.

All content in HOU wiki Hands-On Universe España is licensed under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 3.0 Unported License.

HOU Internacial. Galieleo Teacher Training Program. Universidad complutense de Madrid. DokuWiki IYA 2009