Paper and pen.
Knowledge of:
Estimate the age of the surface of the Moon by using the number and the diameter of the craters of the Moon.
In this exercise we will do a statistical study with the craters of the Moon by using photos of the surface of the Moon.
We will do a study of two photos of two parts of the surface of the Moon to calculate their age.
You will can solve this exercise if you do the following steps:
You will study the age of two surface of the Moon. You open the program Salsa J and open the following photos. (you can download this photos cliking on them).

You study the number of craters of each surface according to the diameters of them. You make a note of them in a tables similar at these tables:

You know that each square of the photo are: 3384.9124

. How many

are there in each photo?
How many craters according of them diameters are there in every photo in each

? For this point you use the two previus points.
Why do we need to know the number of craters for each

?. You make a note of them in a tables similar at these tables:

You interpret the following grafic:

. You make a note of them in a tables similar at these tables:

You do the average of the age that you have of the previous step, and this is the average age of the surface of the surface of the Moon that you studied.
You check your results.